The festive break often represents an opportunity to plan ahead for home improvements in the upcoming year but if you are planning to upweight your home security by installing an automated gate, the national charity Gate Safe is urging all homeowners to proceed with caution.

While automated gates represent an excellent means of enhancing the security around your home, ensuring children and pets cannot stray and safeguarding against any unauthorised visitors gaining access to your property, be aware that the same gates are also capable of inflicting serious injury – and potentially worse – IF they are not installed and regularly maintained by a suitably trained and competent installer. Gate Safe has recorded 34 accidents and 12 deaths, caused by automated gates which have not been installed and maintained in line with current safety guidance and legislation.

All automated gates should be fitted with at least two forms of safety to protect against the risk of a child / adult or indeed pet, becoming trapped and ultimately crushed by the gates when they are opening or closing or being dragged unwillingly into their pathway. When checking a quote from an installer, Gate Safe encourages you to look for a reference to

photocells or light curtains which detect when someone is approaching the gate, stopping its operation, as well as the addition of safety edges which will prevent a gate from making contact with a person / animal by stopping and reversing it  away. Your installer should always undertake a thorough risk assessment of the site to identify any potential additional hazards which could result in an unsafe gate, for example, if the gate features brick pillars, the gap between the pillar and the gate could represent another potential crushing risk …


The charity is also warning homeowners NOT to install their own automated kit to transform an existing manual gate into what is effectively a lethal machine. Such DIY kits often fail to offer the appropriate safety devices detailed above and also don’t provide any additional guidance relating to other safety issues which could lead to the creation of dangerous trap points. These kits are readily available on the internet and at a time when many households may be looking at saving money, Gate Safe is concerned that they may be an increased appetite for purchasing these devices rather than contacting a trained installer.


Installing automated gates is a skilled job that should be left to the professionals so never be tempted to ask someone who is not qualified to take on the job just because they can do it at a cheaper rate. Equally, always ensure that the gate quote includes the fitting of the essential safety devices designed to provide the appropriate level of protection. Failure to follow this advice could ultimately result in you paying an extremely high price …